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Children’s Books That Encourage Kindness Towards Others

indness is one of the most important character traits, but sometimes kids need an extra reminder about the best ways to be kind to others or why kindness matters. These books provide that reminder in creative and appealing ways. Happy reading with children!



1. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

A familiar book to many, this book tells the heartfelt story of a boy and a tree who loved each other very much, but the boy ends up taking parts of the tree until the tree is worn down into a stump. At the end of the book, the boy (now an old man) just needs a place to sit, so he and the stump sit together. This book shows the continual generosity and kindness of the tree, and how much the actions of the boy affected the tree. It can be used to teach children that kindness is important, but you should never give up so much that you suffer. You can also use it to teach give and take, the importance of a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.





2. Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids by Carol McCloud.

This book introduces an idea that everyone has an “invisible bucket.” These buckets are used to hold your good thoughts and feelings about yourself. When you do something kind, you help fill someone else’s bucket. This book would be especially beneficial as kids begin to develop empathy towards others.





3. A Sick Day For Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead.

This sweet story shows how kind actions towards others are repaid. The animals all take care of Amos when he needs a friend, which shows children how important continual kindness towards others is.








4. Horton Hears A Who by Dr. Seuss.

Not only is Horton doing the right thing, he is doing the right thing while everyone around him is bullying him to give up. This teaches an important lesson about standing by what you believe in, no matter what you face.







5.  Rude Cakes by Rowboat Watkins.

This book is about a cake, who is, very rude. He never says please or thank you, never listens, and doesn’t share well. One day a giant cyclops takes the rude cake and wears him as a hat. The cyclops has great manners, but the cake hates being a hat. After finally getting away from the cyclops, the cake becomes much more polite. Although this book is quite out there, it teaches how far good manners and behavior can go toward getting what you want.



 6. We All Sing With The Same Voice by J. Philip Miller and Sheppard M. Greene.

This is a song book that connects kids around the world. The verses highlight differences between kids, illustrated on the pages of the book. The chorus brings all of these kids with many differences together, singing “We all sing with the same voice. The same song. The same voice. We all sing with the same voice and we sing in harmony.” Everyone is different and unique, and this book celebrates those differences while singing together as friends.