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Music in Preschool

None of us would shirk from teaching math or language even if we didn’t feel comfortable with those subjects (or we would find resources that could do it for us, if we were truly unable). But for some reason, when people aren’t musical, it’s easy to leave off this important area of study.

The current emphasis on test scores for math and language has pushed music, art, physical fitness, and other subjects completely out of classrooms across America.

Here’s a small sampling of what the study of music develops:

1. Concentration
2. Counting and other math skills
3. Listening abilities
4. Self-discipline
5. Cooperation
6. Language usage
7. Memory and recall skills
8. Creativity
9. Spatial-temporal reasoning
10. Abstract reasoning
11. Physical coordination (gross- and fine-motor skills)

That list just skims the surface of the benefits of musical education. Music can, and should, be woven into the fabric of the preschool environment. Songs, activities, CDs, musicals, dances, studying musical instruments and/or composers through history adapted for preschoolers give our children pretty good foundation in music theory and practice.